Have you ever met someone that by all indications got up on the wrong side of the bed? And the bed is against the wall? Obviously, their morning start did not begin so well, so, what can we do to change that? Apart from sounding great singing in the shower, did you know your morning showering will also help you resolve an ongoing gnawing problem that you grappled with all night? Other than just lathering up, there is much more going on during this routine, and many times there is an Ah-Ha moment! Consequently, showering gives you a boost of fresh energy of self-motivation, making you feel as fresh as a daisy. What a wonderful way to start the day! And this is what I would like to discuss in this article, the principle of self-motivation to start your day positively. In a recent episode, my guest grew up in the state of Louisiana with little conveniences that we take for granted, such as not having a phone, no electricity let alone a refrigerator and it only follows that she had little food. But there was one vital thing she did have, love, which proves to be the most powerful force for self-motivation to change her circumstances of poverty.
Think of it, while rinsing under the shower head, we are actively chewing on resolving a problem, we are engaging our conscious mind, we are totally in the present, and doing so is conducive to rational thinking and problem-solving. During this activity, your prefrontal cortex is fully engaged while showering, while soaping up your loofah, your mind takes a break and sneaks into your prefrontal cortex, thus making impactful decisions that are truly inspirational, motivational, and creative. Your brain just loves the warm water, it loves the state of being alone, therefore, it takes the opportunity to induce dopamine, the motivational hormone, it perks you right up and I am sure this resonates with you. Allow me to say a little more, the warm water will help your sore muscles loosen up around the shoulders after being humped over your desk or computer screen all day yesterday. Additionally, creating a shower steam helps to unplug and clear your nasal passages that may relieve a mild headache, a cough, and even a slight sore throat. Have you heard of the circadian rhythm? (Circa(, meaning "around" or "approximately", and (diēm), meaning "day" in Latin. Have you ever noticed chickens tend to start roosting at dusk? Why do Morning Glories and Ipomoeas open to take in the morning sunlight and start to close at dusk? Circadian rhythms are physiological, psychological, and changes in behavior that follow a biological 24-hour cycle. These natural processes are affected primarily by sunlight and darkness affecting most living creatures and we are no exception, including plants, called the study of Chronobiology. However, due to the plethora of stressors and electronic devices emitting blue light from all angles at us, our biologic clock is disrupted and confused as to when is day or night, and this is hurting us. Again, how can we think clearly, avoid grumpiness, avoid negativity, and thus be motivated for the challenges of the day? A morning shower can help reset the biological clock, preparing you for an active day, and there is a difference between being "active and being productive." and incidentally, evening showers can also relax you for your bedtime slumber paving the way for your mind to be clear and limpid for rational decision-making for the next day. Once you clamber out of bed in the morning, for the optimum and best results, you want to take a slightly cooler shower providing you the inducement of dopamine, the energy hormone, much like enjoying a cup of joe, it will wake you up completely, you will be invigorated. If you want the utmost effect, try the Cold-Hot-Cold method. After your usual scrubbing routine, turn the chilly water as much as you can tolerate for 30 seconds. Then, proceed this with 30 seconds of hot water as much as you can stand. And with a finale, finish off with another cycle of 30 seconds of chilly water. This method imitates hydrotherapy which is used for pain treatment, and the supposition is, it will supercharge your morning’s productivity. Conversely, when you want to get a well-rested slumber, jump into a hotter shower than normal before retiring for the evening. It works this way, your body temperature is artificially elevated by the heat, and once you leap out of the shower, your temperature drops immediately. A reduced body temperature is a precursor for your body to unwind for a better sleep, therefore, a hot shower within 2 hours of slumber time will help you into the never ever land of the much-needed rem sleep. And you thought the shower was only something to be considered mundane and necessary, now you know better than that, it is hardly a conventional method, but it serves as an effective inducement tool for creativity and productivity. Whether you are getting ready for the day's activity, or cannot wait for a blissful night’s sleep, look no further than your own shower to begin your day on the right foot. Besides feeling great and squeaky clean, there are additional tips we can perform to reinforce self-motivation. Here is another way to provide a surge to your inner motivation and that is to create a target date to accomplish your goal. Whatever it is, make sure to put it on the calendar, your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, and even sticky notes in your vehicle. It is a matter of structure with a specific date in mind that you know, realistically, you will be able to achieve your determined goal. This is what my guest shared with me that enabled her to move on to a better way of life. Having a realistic target date will keep you motivated, it also will help you see the progress you are making; it reveals how much further you must go, and it will inspire and spur you on to the finish line. Studies show that we have the tendency sometimes to perceive extended goals as more challenging, even when they are not. Do not fall into this trap, this only leads to a likelihood of procrastination or giving up. convert your intentions of reaching your goal into a habit where it becomes automatic, it becomes a routine that can be compared to a reflex. It is a funny thing, when it becomes a habit, you no longer need a sense of motivation. So, the question is, how do you convert a behavior into a habit? I have come to appreciate over the years that you have to identify a trigger. Choose something that you already do daily, like attending to oral health or drinking a cup of coffee, to be a trigger or an association to your goal or plan of action. For example, if I pour my first cup of coffee, then it means five minutes of whatever will lead you to the end of your goal. Think of those with the habit of smoking who relate this nasty habit with a cup of coffee making it difficult to stop, it is the same principle, however, we are talking of good habit connections instead. I have known some for the sake of building consistency in exercise, have associated it with lowering their water level. So, every time nature called, they would perform pushups against the bathroom sink. Imagine how many pushups you would perform over the course of a day if you drink lots of water. We all have different interests we want to accomplish, but at times things do not go as planned. Life is never a straight line as much as we would like it to be, but it is a zig zag, so the encouragement is to tighten the zig zag as much as we can by compensating for unexpected variables on our journey. It is great to feel thrilled and confident about our progress but let us not get too optimistic. Not every day will go exactly as planned, I call it life. It is all about building momentum by achieving small goals. If you want to change your life or the world, start off by taking the shower we discussed, make your bed, or any small thing you deem necessary, and if you do this every morning, you will have fulfilled the first task of the day with momentum. It will give you a sense of pride, and it will cheer you on to doing another task, and then another, and then still another. Research has shown that regular small successes can build a sense of momentum that drives and motivates long-term success. Therefore, whatever your goal may be, begin incrementally, break it down into small bite size tasks. Changing your job may be a big goal, so a small bite toward that end would be updating your resume, earning a specific certification, or attending a workshop event. Did you know? Days are small bites of a new week; month are small bites of a new year and years are small bites of new decades and so on. Keep moving forward, keep returning results and never be afraid of tomorrow. Why? It is already tomorrow in Australia!
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